Superhero is a project by Johnny Amore developed after several self-portrait series.
27 Mai 2014
Superhero (2007-2009)
Superhero is a project by Johnny Amore developed after several self-portrait series.
Superhero is a project by Johnny Amore developed after several self-portrait series.
Like coming out of the photographs, the character took life and begin traveling around
in the three dimensional world doing “good actions” and doing a research on human tendencies.
The origin of this transformation came out of a crisis, not only an artistic one but also in the personal sphere. One of this burn-out moments in life, in which the person deserves a radical change; a distance to normality and a need to go towards new experiences. This transformation brought Johnny to action art: performance.
It is indeed a remarkable fact that burn out situations are often generators of big changes in an artist career bringing new inspiration, inflection and, specially, the need to „shamanise“ the disturbance and bring out the psychologic turbulence; which will appear in the work of art as very authentic manifestation of identity. Johnny Amore really experimented this superhero phase as a kind of redemption and healing treatment for his personal burn out.
His superhero performances do not have a clear beginning and end, it is more like the implementation of an alter ego. A durational piece of art extended to 24 hours per day, 365 days a year.
The Superhero lives and exists and writes periodically in his blog; and the blog became a testimony of his existence, a virtual space that is keeping him alive continuously. Besides the breathing piece of art the superhero did concrete appearances in front of public, in real presence or in form of photo and video that would be shown in several exhibitions.
In the beginning it was all about to better himself and overcome the burn out. The way of doing that was accumulating positive energy and getting away of the normality. But the project is not only adopting a new character as a psychotherapy, the sense of the project lies on transmitting the experience to the public to create a dialogue and a reflection.
Playing with the expectations of the spectator is the way to establish this communication. The superhero presumes of super powers and extraordinary qualities but it is not like this, he is just a normal guy with a strange costume. A ridiculous character in which the public will project super natural powers, but in this expectation they will also recognize the limits of the human, their own limitations.
In a very positive sense to be aware of our limits can be a good exercise to reflect on identity; to visualize dreams and possibilities; to define new goals and help ourselves to generate changes and go deeper in our self-knowledge: a good way to avoid burn-outs!
Re-cognitional journey: Munich (Ger) - Rauma/Pori(FIN) - Amman (JOR) - Brighton (GB) - Hoorn (NL) - Pori (FIN) - Berlin (GER) - Pori (FIN)
1. In a strong personal crisis I created a new personality : the Superhero. It was like an explosion inside of me, a transformation.
2. Here begins my journey to Finland.
Artist in Residence in RAUMA and PORI: Accumulating positive energy and defining my superpowers.
I met the performance group MRCVE (Messianic Research Centre for Visual Ethics) that will accompany me in the future. The researchers gave me a new perspective and showed me how to deal with my energy.
I did my first performance: Superhero saved the Northcup.
3. Back to MUNICH- Operation Neuschwanstein:
I came back to Munich with MRCVE, searching my origins and reconciliation my new personality.
We did five Video Performances and a final lecture about how the magic disappears in the humans all days life.
4. Journey to Jordan.
Artist in Residence in AMMAN and workshops in the Jordan Children's Museum and in several handicapped children schools. In this phase I was very interested in getting in contact with young public, the natural believers of Superheros and a great field to investigate with innocence.
5.Journey to Netherlands.
Artist in Residence in HOORN: I met with others hero‘s, exchanging experiences and reflecting about ‚Personal Affects‘ in a group exhibition.
6.Again in PORI: Several street performances with MRCVE in which we investigated a next level of existence: eternity.
04 Juli 2009
The End?

Für den Superhero war es nun an der Zeit in neue Dimensionen aufzubrechen; Dimensionen, die vielleicht nie zuvor einen Superhelden gesehen haben. Euer Energie hat ihn sehr weit getragen: seine anfängliche Krise ist bewältigt, er hat Lächeln in die Gesichter der Menschen gezaubert und die nächste Generation an Helden auf den Weg gebracht. Mission erfüllt- Energie! / For the Superhero, it was now time to break into new dimensions; dimensions, which may never previously have seen superheroes. Your energy has taken him very far: his initial crisis is addressed, he conjured smiles to people's faces and the next generations of heroes are prepared.
Mission accomplished-energy!
The mechanism dimensional

Dann erklärten die Wissenschaftler die Vorrichtung nach Laurentius und Saurus: ein komplizierter Mechanismus, der zu einem bestimmten Zeit und Raum Kontinuum, die Möglichkeit eröffnet, in eine andere Dimension vorzudringen. / Then the researchers said the device by Laurentius and Saurus: a complicated mechanism, which at a given time and space continuum, open the opportunity, to leave in another dimension.
02 Juli 2009
Sein Sein

Es war nun an der Zeit den Superhero aufzuklären, warum die Wissenschaftler ihn nach Finnland riefen. Er hatte da ein gewisses Gefühl gespürt seit einiger Zeit. Es war schwer zu bestimmen woher es kam und was es bedeutete. Das nun die Wissenschaftler etwas ähnliches festgestellt zu haben schienen, sie als Aussenstende und Freunde, gab ihm das Gefühl in guten Händen zu sein. Sie erklärten ihm, frei nach Heideggers Überlegungen, daß 'nur was verstanden wird, ist auch und das was ist, ist immer schon verstanden, da Seiendes nur auf dem Hintergrund des Seins erscheint. Dass etwas ist und was etwas ist, gehen also stets miteinander einher. Damit wird auch die Bedeutung der Zeit für eine Bestimmung des Seins verständlich, insofern sich Zeit als Bedingung für jegliches Verstehen erweist.
Der Superhero verstand ihre Überlegungen: es war an der Zeit für ihn zu gehen. Er war nie ein Held der philosophischen Zerlegung seines Daseins. Er war ein Held der Tat, des energetischen Schrittes, der ohne zu zögern vorwärts ging. Bisher war er immer seinem Weg gefolgt, ein Weg der sich ihm meist unmittelbar erschloß. Doch sein Gefühl deutete ihm schon an, daß es an der Zeit war, diesen scheinbaren Kreislauf zu verlassen und in neue Gefilde aufzubrechen, wo immer diese auch sein mochten.
MRCVE nahmen letzte sehr komplizierte Messungen und Untersuchungen vor, um festzustellen, ob der Superhero bereit war für diese neue Bewußtseinserweiterung. Ein großer Schritt für ihn selbst, ein kleiner für die Menschheit? / It was time to explain the Superhero why the researcher wanted him to come to Finland. He felt a certain feeling since while, but it was hard to define where it comes from and what it wanted to tell him. Now that the scientists, his friends and observer, also had the a certain feeling about him, he felt in really good hands.
They explained to him, freely adapted from Heidegger's considerations, that 'only what is understood really exists, and what exists is always yet understood, as anything existing appears exclusively against the background of being. Thus that something exists involves at all times what it is. Hence the meaning of time for the identification of being becomes comprehensible, forasmuch as time turns out to be a condition for any understanding.'
The Superhero understood their thoughts: it was time for him to leave. He was never a hero who analysed his being in a philosophical way. He was always a hero of deeds who went straight on without hesitating. Until now he followed his way, a way which mostly direct developed. But this certain pointed somehow out that it was time to leave this apparently circular flow. To leave into new climes wherever they would be.
MRCVE did last very difficult tests and meassures, to make sure, that he will be ready for this new awareness. A big step for himself, but also for human kind?
01 Juli 2009
Non Grata





Dann gab es schon den ersten Arbeitseinsatz für den Superhero: wild lodernde Flammen einer unschuldigen Puppe, die die estnische Performancegruppe 'Non Grata' angerichtet hatten, mußten gelöscht werden. Aus technischen Gründen ging das Wasser leider sehr früh aus... / Then the Superhero had to work: wild flames of an innocent puppet had to be strangled. They were caused by the estonian performancegroup 'Non Grata'. Unfortunately the water ran out for technical reasons...
30 Juni 2009
Coffee and cake in TVO state

Nach seiner Ankunft machten die Wissenschaftler, der Superhero und Ida, der Super-Assistentin, erst einmal einen Sonntagsausflug in das Besucherzentrum des nahegelegen Atomkraftwerk von TVO: Olkiluto. Sich freuend auf den unentgeldlichen Kaffee und Kuchen verwehrte der Sicherheits-dienst 'Securitas' ihnen den Zugang: Dress-Coat! Sie verlangten ihre Ausweise und schrieben die Paßnummern auf, um eine Genehmigung zu erfragen. Nicht die der Super-Assistentin! Was war an unseren Arbeitsklamotten auszusetzen?! Es half nichts-der Zugang blieb verwehrt. Also machte sich die Gruppe auf und fuhr zurück zur Basisstation in Pori. Auf ihrem Weg wurden sie von der Polizei gestoppt und zu ihrer Verwunderung fragten die Beamten, ob eine Frau an Board sein- es gab einen Zwischenfall im Atomkraftwerk...Verwunderung! Selbstverständlich lag natürlich nichts vor. Die Beamten kannten es uniformiert zu sein. Wie kann es sein, daß ein Sicherheitsdienst die Polizei alamieren kann aufgrund eines Dresscoats Normalo?! Und ganz nebenbei die Autonummer samt Typus registriert waren? Das wissenschaftliche Team und der Superhero zeigten sich ausserordentlich empört über das stille Grinsen eines scheinbaren Polizeistaates. Dies zu erleben war absolut nicht akzeptabel!
Der Superhero hakte umgehend nach und wandte sich an die deutsche Botschaft. Die Verantwortliche Frau in Sachen Recht und Ordnung wollte der Sache nachgehen und den Superhero umgehend informieren. Als nichts passierte, rief der Superhero eine Woche später zurück: sie war nicht mehr da- sie wurde plötzlich versetzt...! / After his arrival the researcher, Superhero and the super assistant Ida made a sundy trip to the visitors centre at the atomic power plant of TVO in Olkiluoto. Happy to get their free coffee and cake soon they tried to enter, but the secirity service of 'Securitas' refused: dress coat averagny! They asked for their passports and wrote down their passport numbers for a permission. No the one of the Super assitant. What there anything to say about their working clothes?! They got no permission and so they went back to Pori. On their way back, the police stopped them and asked if there is a girl on board- there was a incident in the power plant! How amazing! So everything was alright and for sure that the police officers were more used to be in uniform. How can it be that 'Securitas' can call the police, that they gave our car number to the police, because of a dress coat?! The scientific team and the Superhero were extraordinary disgusted about the silent smile of a police state. to see that was absolutely not acceptable! The Superhero got activ and called the german embassy. The woman on duty in case of law and order said to follow this case. After she got some informations she will call back. Nothing happened and so the Superhero called back 1 week ago: she was not there anymore- she was replaced...!
29 Juni 2009
The Messianic Letter
Der folgende Brief seiner finnische Freunde des Messianic Research Centre for Visual Ethics, erreichte den Superhero überraschenderweise. Der Superhero machte sich sofort auf den Weg nach Finnland... / His friends, the Messianic Research Centre for Visual Ethics, sent a suprising letter. The Superhero left immediately to Finland...
Mr. Superhero,
we, Messianic Researh Center for Visual Ethics, have been observing your journeys with a great interest.
Since we saw you last time lot's of things have happened. Your efforts for making this planet more reasonable place to live has made a huge influence to us again.
However, we had a lot of thinking what more we could do to help you to reach your goal. At this point we used calculation formula of our mentors mr. Von Laurentius and Mr. Saurus to measure where exactly you are in your process right now. This Formula ( Sein und Zeit/V.Laurentius/S.Saurus) is created to measure where individual stands towards the different variables of one's own cycle of time.
After the long measuring we got the results. They were very suprising and there is no space to go in details inside this letter. But we very strongly advice you to leave what ever you are doing right now and IMMEDIATELY travel here to Finland. We have to do some more measures in our laboratories and look for different options, but surely something is happening and we need you here to see what's really going on. It can be the next, essential step for you to take on...
With respect,
22 Juni 2009
Personal Affects









Ein Lebensspruch der Holländer besagt: 'Be normal life is crazy enough'. Warum nicht?! So verwandelte sich der Superhero von Supernormal in Superhero und frohlockte über seine Gemütsbewegungen vergangener Tage im Mariakapel. Doch vorher ergoß sich erst 'The White and Black Minstrel', der wundersame Tisch des Harlequin und nach der Supershow kam Bas, the king of 'Art Love'. Das war's für den Superhero in Hoorn. Es war sehr schön. Danke! / A dutch pearl of wisdom says' Be normal life is crazy enough.' Why not?! So the Superhero become from Supernormal Superhero and rejoiced after that about his affected life at Mariakapel. But first there appeared 'The White and Black Minstrel', the wondertable of the Harlequin and after the supershow came up Bas, the king of 'Art Love'. That's it for the Superhero in Hoorn. It was very nice. Thanks!
19 Juni 2009
How to become a Superhero III



Die jeweils einstündig neugeborenen Superhelden konnten sich wirklich sehen lassen! Die Zukunft der Welt frohlockt! / The newborn Superheros, made in only one hour, were really impressive! The future of the world says 'Thanks!'


Es war wieder an der Zeit besonders Begabte auszubilden. Kritisch, aber sehr aufgeschlossen, folgten sie den wilden Armbewegungen des Superhero's. Die ersten Ergebnisse kamen wie ein Wirbelsturm. / It was time to train specially talented children again. Quite critical, but receptive, they followed the wild arm movements of the Superhero. The first results came up fast like a hurricane.
16 Juni 2009

Das wohl interessanteste Gerät, gerade in Krisenzeiten wie diesen, ist der Flessentrekker (=Flaschenlecker (?)), ein von Holländern erfundenes Spezialgerät mit dem man den letzten Tropfen aus der Joghurtflasche herausholen kann- endlich! Und nicht nur das! Auch sehr empfehlenswert für die letzte Gurke im Glas. Ja, ja die Holländer. / The most interesting equipment, specially perfect for any crisis, is the Flessentrekker. This special gadget is invented by the Dutch to get out the last drop of jogurt out of the bottle. Finally! It's also perfect to get out the last cucumber. The clever Dutch!
10 Juni 2009
 da ghetto!

Ja so ist das... / That's how it is...

Dann kamen erzieherische Ungereimtheiten auf.../ Educational contraditions came up...

Die anschließende Erschöpfung wurde dankbar aufgenommen. / The following exhaustion was warmly accepted.


Der Superhero war zu Gast bei einem Strassenfest im 'Problemviertel', ein wenig ausserhalb Hoorn's. Probleme gab es keine, aber ein Fest. / The Superhero visited a street festival in the lower east side ghetto, a little bit outside of Hoorn. Rather than a riot, there was party.

09 Juni 2009
Kap Hoorn

Hoorn war einst eine bedeutende Hafenstadt. Auch heute noch ist der Stolz zu spüren, den die vergangene Seemacht Holland hinterlassen hat. In der alteingesessenen 'Kap Hoorn Stiftung' wurde dem Superhero das Straßensystem früherer Tage nachgezeichnet. / Hoorn was once an important habour town. Even today you can feel the pride about the past sea power of Netherlands. In the old-established 'Kap Hoorn foundation', the Superhero got introduced into the former street system.
First enthusiasm

Gesellschaftsspiele sind ein gutes Mittel, um das 'holländische Eis' zu knacken. So tauchte der Superhero ein in die Welt des 'klaverjassen'. Er wurde sehr herzlich mit Kaffee und Kuchen aufgenommen. Danach wurde es ernst... / Parlour games are a good way to break the 'dutch eis'. So the Superhero pluged into the world of 'klaverjassen'. He was warmly welcomed with cofee and cake. After that it got serious...
Kokett Kroket-Bon Appetit!

Der Superhero ist in Hoorn gelandet. Der erste Eindruck des Städtchens vermittelte einen gemächlichen Lebensrhythmus. Doch selbst unter der sanften Decke der Schönheit, finden sich immer Aufgaben für den Superhero. / The Superhero arrived in Hoorn. In his first impression of this town he felt the egntle rhythm. But even beyond the smooth surface of beauty there are thigs to do for the Superhero.
31 Mai 2009
21 Mai 2009
The day after
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